Friday, 13 April 2007

System Of Education

1. School is for Practice
2. Practice Makes Perfect
Conclusion... Nobody is perfect so why go to school?

School it seems is a drain, a waste of time to just prove the point that you could do the work right from the very beginning. School also runs under the same type of values as the media, these values are all that of fear. Fear is used to scare people into thinking unless they have the right grades they wont be able to do what they want. Schools try to get all the students to university simply to gain education points and the goverment drains money from the students with student loans. This is a maze of weeds preventing most from becoming something; this maze of weeds also prevents people seeing the light at the end, this lacks motivation. In the end we are left with an education system that is brutal, unforgiving and selfish.

Having said that we need this education system and the only way to get past the weeds blocking our paths is to fight back by going along with the system.

We have two choices...
1. Either stop working and get destroyed by the weeds
2. Fight back the weeds and find your goal

Im fighting back the weeds by doing my work at school and staying out of trouble. Some may look down on me because of this and may say 'He is a sucker to the system'. I assure you the system of education is more powerful than a bunch of students and whilst we are all tangled in the weeds its impossible to fight them all back. The only way to destroy the weeds is to come out the other side with your grades and friendships you made along the way. We are then able to look down on the forest of weeds and make a difference to those are fighting through.