Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Catholic Mass

Had a Catholic Mass at school today and I can honestly say that it was the most boring, uninspiring waste of time I have ever experienced. To begin with everyone seems to speak in monotone during the whole mass which just gives an atmosphere similar to that found in a graveyard; dark, gloomy and dead. All the songs are just totally dry during the service and nobody seems to have a great desire to sing them.

Everyone just looked bored, even our school priest looked bored! His sermon was a full reflection of the boredom that seemed to grow throughout the service. I can’t speak for everyone in that service but I didn’t even understand his sermon. With his monotone voice added to the factor of confusing bible teachings this just caused a tiresome atmosphere. One of my friends actually fell asleep four times and I almost nodded off twice!

During the 1 Hour 30min service I also felt like an idiot. Mainly because I believe in all this Christianity ‘God lark’ and there I was standing in the most boring, ungodly service ever! The majority of people around me who don’t believe in God must have thought that any Christians are completely barmy for believing in God and enjoying bone dry services. I bet when Jesus was on earth him and his mates didn’t spend time procrastinating over religious dogma! They were too busy having water changing into wine and partying.

Tomorrow my philosophy teacher invited me to a meeting regarding the school Mass’ at Holy Cross school and to be honest it just sounds like a waste of time. All the teachers wonder why nothing happens during the mass when they don’t even invite Gods spirit into the service! Everyone is too busy reading a script for the service and keeping everyone under control.

These are the following things that need changing to get the best possible service for school...

  1. Get rid of the fucking organ and replace it with real instruments (guitars, drums... spice it up for the kids)
  2. Have a homily more evangelistically based; the majority of the people in the room do not know God.
  3. Teachers, don’t make the kids feel like they are under constant watch
  4. Monotone voices should be banned
  5. Don’t follow the whole service to a strict script
  6. Have a worship leader so that they can set the tone of singing
  7. MOST IMPORTANTLY, Make the service about God. In his power... not yours.


Rob said...

Here here.. =P