Friday, 1 June 2007

Giving Glory to God

I have always wondered how this is achieved. How am I meant to 'give glory to God'? God is fairly big and just powerful, so how am I meant to give glory to God? Surely anything I do is nothing in comparison is tiny, smaller than a grain of sand? I guess I could try and read the bible everyday, give money to a charity, always act nice around people but somehow all of these things still seem to be falling short. Giving glory must be something more than this, afterall God is big so surely I should do something big in return. How about giving my life to God? But what does this mean? Does that mean I put up my hands in worship and then shout to God ill follow you? I don't think it does. I have always done those things and although I have felt changed, I have never been changed. I have gone around my daily life still acting the same way with the thought in the back of my mind that God is supporting me.

The challenge I have come to see is a challenge many of us struggle with. My life was created by God so surely it should be all about God? Now how do I do this, how do we do this? Firstly I am not going to give up anything, thats stupid, why give up the stuff which God has provided me with? Nothing I own will ever be mine since they are God's so logically that must mean they go behind me. They are Gods gifts to me, they were given because God loves me and so they should go behind me. In response to this I must put God in front of me. This means following the teachings laid out in the bible. Of course there is only one main teaching which applies which is 'Love your neighbour', easier said than done but the word 'love' does sum up what my life should be about. My life should be all about love. Love is not jealous, is kind, caring, thoughtful, forgiving and so all of these attributes (and more!) should be apart of me. This should change my lifestyle dramatically but I don't care. I don't want to be in the everyday work cycle of the world, I don't want the mechanical mind of a scientist or the belief of an atheist. There must be a meaning to this universe otherwise there would be no purpose to it.


Homeskin said...

Well said, Mike! Although I'm not sure what you mean by 'go behind me'


Mike White said...


Sorry my wording can sometimes be a little confusing.

Everything which we own will never be ours since they are God's. In which case it seems sensible for me to remove the material pleasures from being the aim to my life since they are gifts. Therefore it seems right the aim of my life should be for the person who gave me the gifts, this person is God.