During many of the philosophical or theological discussions I seem to have every day of my life the concept of faith always seems to be raised. This is usually done in one of two ways. Either I am told I have very little faith or I say to someone else “you only have faith”. The concept of faith is a very important around Christianity. Some regard faith as ‘blind believing’, a mere psychological condition a person has. Surprisingly many adopt this view within our own western society without any backing to it. Characters such as Richard Dawkins seem to view faith in this way and repeatedly mock Christians because of it. Here I shall attempt to explain my philosophy of faith and what it means to me.
Definition of faith = Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence
Faith is a word often associated with religion. However I rarely hear faith being used with other situations. Firstly we need to understand that the word ‘faith’ is not religion specific. It is a word within its own right from which the definition can be seen above. Faith is a personal word; I have faith the chair I sit on now will hold my weight, I have faith my parents won’t lie to me, I have faith that my teachers at school will help me towards getting the best possible grades. This rules out any misinterpretation of ‘faith’ being stereotyped into a religious context. However for the purpose of this article I shall be using faith in just that context.
As mentioned earlier faith can and in my opinion very often take the form of ‘blind’ believing. However this time I put the word blind in comers simply because blind faith doesn’t exist. Since faith is a personal response to a given question (in this case the existence of God) it is impossible for blind faith to exist. Blind faith suggests no proof of belief. As God is a personal question this requires a personal response so therefore blind faith couldn’t exist simply because it would require personal proof. This personal proof acts as fact for the individual which makes their faith very much real to them. In more simple terms it is the individual’s experience which shows them that a God exists. It is this form of faith which from now on I shall call “Personal Faith”. It is this type of faith from which we all start our Christian lives at and it is this type of faith from which all our emotion and doubts derive from. It is also this form of faith which is impossible to show to others since it is personal evidence. However I shall go into more detail with this later.
However the faith we can show to others is “Knowledgeable Faith”. Knowledgeable Faith is built from the foundation of Personal Faith. For example knowledgeable faith maybe knowledge of theology or philosophy. It is this of which we can show others why we believe in God.
So basically:
Personal Faith is.... I believe in God
Knowledgeable Faith is... I believe in God because Jesus rose from the dead
The two above examples really show the difference between forms of faith. Now that we have distinguished between these faith types we can delve more deeply into the world of faith.
It’s a well known fact that Theist’s have faith. However rarely do you hear of an atheistic faith. Now the combination of atheist and faith does sound ridiculous but it definitely exists. In the same way Personal Faith acts as the foundations for a theist it also does for an atheist. For example an individual may choose to become an atheist due to violent parents, unhappy school life or other personal reason. These feelings then act as the foundations for building their knowledgeable faith. The personal faith an atheist has is the same as the theist personal faith in the way that it cannot be proven/recognized by others and is the foundations for which knowledge is build upon. An example of this knowledge for an atheist is typically science and history. However this doesn’t mean that Theists don’t also use this as a form of evidence. It is from this that we can learn how to argue for or against the existence of God following the personal and knowledgeable faith principle.
Imagine a large room and at one end of the room is standing an Atheist and at the other a Christian. Both individuals both believe firmly that they are correct with their beliefs and have been asked to participate in a typical debate around the existence of God. The Atheist has knowledge of science whereas the Christian has knowledge of history and theology. Any debate that revolves around the existence of God always is based around knowledgeable faith. It’s this form of faith which can be show to others and discussed and although its evidence for belief for the individual it is not crucial as personal faith acts as the foundations for belief. When the atheist and Christian start debating it’s very much the same as a tennis match, both individuals are firing their questions at each other and then respond. By the end of the discussions although there seems to be a clear winner of the debate it’s also clear that the existence of God was merely questioned rather than answered. Why is this? This is down to both individuals only using their knowledgeable faith to throw arguments at each other. The person who seemed to have clearly won the argument was the individual that managed to shake the personal faith foundation of the opposing individual.
Now all that typed above may seem pointless however this article does serve a small purpose! When the foundations of the individual’s personal faith were shaken this is the time that they use their knowledgeable faith to piece back together their personal faith. In other words by having their beliefs challenged they found a chance to grow or change. For example an argument raised by the Christian over evolution may have caused the atheist to read back over his material and see flaws and through this was shown that a God must exist. For the Christian this may have meant that they managed to find a new ways to grow in God and through that their personal relationship with him was enhanced.
Now I am aware this last paragraph seems to put me into some kind of arrogant spotlight but it shows an important point. The majority of people I see around don’t usually challenge their personal beliefs enough in my opinion. It’s always good reading Christian material but what’s wrong with reading atheist material? When I bought ‘The God Delusion’ many people thought it was stupid and I was maybe going to start questioning things about my beliefs. All I can say to this is good! I want to be challenged with my beliefs. The person who is most likely to leave Christianity is the person who stays in their comfort zone and regards anything apart from Christianity to be evil. Having atheist beliefs is not evil and I jump at the chance to question why others have different beliefs compared to me. I am not saying we should all live by the world since I’m against that but what is stopping us from looking deeper into atheism or other religions? Is it the fear that we may get ‘converted’ or maybe we just don’t find it interesting? Either way I say to everyone who believes in God to enhance their knowledgeable faith in some shape or form. It is that which helps build up the armour of God around us so that we may live our lives according to God rather than the world.